For your business
For your customers

Turn customer purchases into climate actions

Our seamless plug-and-play integrations give your customers the chance to join you in your journey to net zero

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We measure the footprint of the transaction and you engage your customers.

Engage your customers to make a positive impact with our seamless, integrated climate solutions.

Together, we are stronger in the fight against climate change.

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Your customers are keen to do their part

Many of your customers want to contribute to climate action and make a positive impact.

But often lack simple ways to do so

However, they often don’t have straightforward opportunities or tools to take effective action.

We enable your customers to take action

We measure the transaction and empower your customers with easy, seamless ways to join your climate journey and make a difference.

While you accelerate your climate efforts

By engaging your customers, you amplify your impact and accelerate progress toward your net-zero goals.

Climate action where you meet your customers

CarbonSifr seamlessly integrates with your customer touch points, engaging your customers to take climate action and accelerating your business' growth in high-value customer segments.

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Small actions lead
to big results.

When we all take simple steps together, we can make a significant impact. By partnering with us, over 125,000 customers have taken action to date, resulting in the removal of over 1 million kg of CO2e. Imagine what we can achieve as more join the effort.


Customers have taken action

1 million+

kg of CO2e removed


Of customers take repeated action

Seamless customer touchpoint engagement
Easily and seamlessly integrate climate action into your existing platform, offering a smooth experience for your customers.
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Engage your customers
to take action
Enable your customers to remove the CO2e impact of their transactions effortlessly, contributing to local and regional environmental projects.
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Get your own interactive dashboard with your results
Our platform’s focus point is the climate area display. With intuitive filters, interactive graphs and clear insight areas we ensure you have all the information in a digestible way. Empowering you to make informed decisions and take impactful actions.
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Streamline your reporting tasks
Our platform is designed to spotlight climate data, featuring intuitive filters, interactive graphs, and clear insight areas. We ensure that all information is presented in an easily digestible format, empowering you to make informed decisions and take impactful actions.
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Applicable in any consumer business

See how CarbonSifr’s drives EcoAction in the region

Turn purchases into climate actions
Join leading businesses in the region and make your checkout climate friendly with CarbonSifr

Find answers to common questions about EcoAction by CarbonSifr here.

Can CarbonSifr’s solutions cater to all businesses?

CarbonSifr supports a wide range of customer touchpoints, including online checkouts, mobile apps, and in-store interactions. Whether your business operates in ride-hailing, finance, food and beverage, airlines, delivery, hospitality, or education, our platform can be integrated to provide your customers with opportunities to engage in climate action. We also develop custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. Talk to us to get a specific proposal for your business.

How does CarbonSifr measure the carbon footprint of customer transactions?

Our platform measures the carbon footprint of each transaction using advanced algorithms and local data. We calculate the CO2e impact based on the specifics of the transaction, providing accurate and reliable data. For detailed information on our measurement methodology, click here to read more.

How does CarbonSifr ensure the integrity of carbon removal projects?

CarbonSifr partners with vetted, high-impact carbon removal projects to ensure that all climate actions are real, local, and meaningful. We prioritize projects with proven environmental benefits and transparent reporting, so both you and your customers can trust the positive impact of their actions.

Still have a question?

Reach out to us with your questions, and we will get back to you shortly!

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Measure your
business’ CO2e

With our all-in-one measurement platform, it’s easy

See our Climate Platform >